Algirdas Janilionis discusses one of the main methods of ANCIENT HEALING

While surfing the Internet, I came across an interesting picture [1] originally created by David Wolfe. It depicts a dozen or so remedies used by our ancestors. I think they would still be relevant today. So, let’s take a closer look at what David Wolfe has mentioned and what I have been able to find more about.

ALFALFA relieves digestion, aids blood clotting and enhances the Immune system [1].

• The grass is rich in iron, calcium and phosphorus, which are essential for bones and teeth.

• The plant contains important enzymes that improve the digestion of all four classes of food – protein, fat, starch and glucose, vitamin U.

• The tea of this herb treats bladder, prostate and other problems.

• The abundance of vitamin A in the plant is a great help in preventing infections. It also contains vitamins D and B12 (which is very unusual, as B12 is usually found only in animal products).

• Bilberry is used to treat arthritis, rheumatism, colitis, anaemia, alcohol and drug addictions, etc.

• The high content of vitamins, minerals, proteins and enzymes found in the herb promotes the growth of children and the formation of connective tissue and muscles. Frequent use of alfalfa preparations is said to help with weight loss. However, it is advisable to use alfalfa sprouts sparingly as they can damage red blood cells [2].

ALOE used to treat burns, Insect bites and wounds [1]

The health benefits of Aloe Vera juice and gel have been described as miraculous. The plant is popular all over the world and is used to treat a wide range of diseases [3].

Teeth and gums – aloe vera tooth gel is as effective as toothpaste in preventing tooth decay.

Depression and other brain functions – studies have shown that aloe vera can help reduce symptoms of depression, improve memory and learning functions

Constipation – Studies in Germany have shown that aloe vera is effective in preventing constipation.

Wounds and burns – wounds treated with aloe vera gel heal much faster and the pain is relieved much sooner than when treated with silver sulfadiazine ointment.

Skin – Aloe vera heals sunburn and is also useful for treating insect bites, allergic reactions, eczema, burns, inflammation, wounds and psoriasis.

Benefits of aloe vera juice

• When consumed regularly, aloe vera juice replenishes your body with 19 types of natural amino acids, 7 of which are not produced by the body itself and must be obtained from food.

• Aloe vera contains 12 natural substances (salicylic acid, plant sterols, enzymes, etc.) that reduce inflammation without any side effects.

• Aloe vera is rich in vitamins such as A, B1, B2, B6, B12, C and E, folic acid and niacin. Therefore, by drinking aloe vera juice daily, you will strengthen and protect your immunity against any external negative effects.
• Aloe vera juice is rich in minerals: copper, iron, sodium, calcium, zinc, potassium, chromium, magnesium and manganese. Therefore, consume this juice daily and you will not be deficient in minerals.

• Aloe vera juice naturally supports and cleanses the digestive system, which will help people suffering from constipation, as aloe vera contains enzymes (proteases, lipases, etc.) that will help to digest food more smoothly.

• Aloe helps us to feel good and regulates body weight.

• It reduces heartburn, arthritis and blood sugar.

• Strengthens gums and makes teeth strong and healthy.

• Aloe vera is an excellent tonic for the female reproductive system and is good for the uterus.

• Shampoos with aloe vera will help to make the hair healthy and also cure dandruff.

• Aloe vera treats respiratory disorders and will help those who often suffer from colds, bronchitis, nasal congestion and other respiratory disorders.

• It lowers blood glucose levels and helps with diabetes.

• Reduces gastrointestinal problems such as stomach pains or the rise of stomach acids.

• Aloe vera contains saponins, which have antimicrobial properties and fight bacteria, viruses and fungi.

ASPEN (Populus tremula) used in a tea to treat fever, coughs and pain [1]

In folk medicine, tinctures are used to relieve pain and inflammation and to reduce fever. Externally, it is used to wash wounds and burns. The healing effect is due to the salicylic compounds in the leaves, which break down in the body to salicylic acid. The leaves also contain minerals and antibiotics [4].

Medicinal properties of aspen bark [5]:

• speeds up metabolic processes;

• lowers blood sugar levels;

• normalises endocrine functions;

• helps reduce coughing;

• Anesthetizes in musculoskeletal and joint disorders;

• prevents salt deposition;

• Thickens the blood and speeds up blood flow;

• alleviates diseases of the stomach, intestines, liver, biliary tract and spleen;

• relieves inflammation of the urinary system;

• helps with heavy bleeding and inflammation of the ovaries;

• improves central nervous system function, relieves nervous overwork;

• bactericidal effect on damaged skin;

• kills intestinal parasites;

Aspen bark is used in the treatment of these diseases [5]:

• cough, bronchitis, bronchial asthma;

• Whooping cough, pleurisy, tuberculosis;

• Type 2 diabetes mellitus;

• Cystitis, nephritis

• angina, toothache, stomatitis

• rheumatism, arthrosis, gout, radiculitis;

• neuralgia, sciatica (compression of the sciatic nerve);

• neurosis, depression, insomnia;

• digestive disorders, dysentery;

• adenomas and prostatitis;

• hemorrhoids;

BEE POLLEN boosts energy, aids digestion and enhances the Immune system [1]

Pollen is a valuable, biologically active product of bees. The most important component of bee pollen is complete protein (about 26-40%). Pollen contains 5-7 times more amino acids than beef and eggs, as well as nucleic acids and nucleoproteins, and about 20% vegetable fat. Pollen also contains B vitamins B1, B2, B5, B6, PP, E, biotin and folic acid. They strengthen the nervous system and stimulate blood production.  They also contain a large amount of vitamin C and rutin, which increase the resistance of blood vessels, especially capillaries, throughout the body.  Of the many minerals found in pollen, potassium is perhaps the most important. Phosphorus and magnesium, which regulate metabolism and relieve spasms in blood vessels, are also abundant, while iron, zinc and cobalt help to combat anemia. (Source;

Pollen also contains significant amounts of vitamin C and rutin, which increase the resistance of blood vessels, especially capillaries, throughout the body.

BEESWAX used for bums and insect bites, including bee stings [1]

Beeswax is used as a medicine to lower cholesterol and relieve pain. It is also used for swelling (inflammation), ulcers, diarrhea and hiccups.

• Small anal fissures. Studies show that applying a mixture of beeswax, honey and olive oil to the affected area reduces the pain, bleeding and itching caused by anal fissures.

• Diaper rash. Studies show that applying a mixture of beeswax, honey and olive oil to the affected area four times a day for 7 days reduces the symptoms of nappy rash.

• Hemorrhoids. Applying a mixture of beeswax, honey and olive oil to the affected area within 12 hours reduces pain, bleeding and itching due to hemorrhoids.

• Fungus on the skin. Applying a mixture of beeswax, honey and olive oil to the affected area three times a day for 4 weeks reduces fungus.

• Jock itch (Tinea cruris) A mixture of beeswax, honey and olive oil applied three times a day for 4 weeks in the affected area relieves itching of the groin.

• Fungal skin infection (tinea versicolor). Mixture of beeswax, honey and olive oil. When applied three times a day for 4 weeks in the affected area, it improves the healing of the fungus on infected skin.

BLACKBERRY treats diarrhea, reduces Inflammation and stimulates the metabolism [1]

• Blackberry leaf tea helps with diarrhoea, indigestion and painful menstruation [6].

• A decoction of dried berries is used to strengthen the body and calm nerves. Infusions and decoctions of the leaves stimulate sweating and urine excretion, and are therefore used for fever and inflammation of the urinary tract.

• The astringent properties of the leaf decoction make it a good remedy for stomach and intestinal bleeding.

• Heart and blood vessels [7]. Blackberries are rich in vitamin C – just one cup of berries contains half the daily allowance. This vitamin is involved in the formation of collagen and is essential for blood vessel health. Blackberries are also one of the record holders for plant fiber, a deficiency of which increases the risk of cardiovascular disease. Berries are rich in nicotinic acid, which is very good for the heart.

• Bones [7]. The vitamin K in blackberries is essential for bone health. When this vitamin is deficient, bone tissue deteriorates and the risk of fractures increases. This vitamin is particularly important for children.

• How to calm nerves [7]. Blackberries have a positive effect on the nervous system. If you are nervous and can’t calm down, try “eating” a handful of berries. They help with neurosis and improve sleep quality.

• For the immune system [7]. Blackberries are rich in bioflavonoids, compounds with strong anti-inflammatory and bactericidal properties. It is an excellent immune booster. In addition, the humble black berry helps prevent cancer by slowing down the development of cancerous tumours and various tumours.

Skin [7]. For smooth, firm and moisturised skin, prepare a blackberry mask. Mix 2 tablespoons of blackberries, one teaspoon of honey and five drops of lemon juice. Stir until smooth and apply to a washed face for 15 minutes. Afterwards, rinse off and apply a moisturising cream to your face.

CAYENNE used as a pain reliever [1]

Cayenne pepper is a cure for 8 diseases [8]:

• is used for its property of improving digestion. In particular, it stimulates the secretion of saliva, which is essential for the smooth start of the digestive process. In addition, the spice stimulates the secretion of enzymes essential for digestion.

• It also helps to fluidise the blood, preventing the formation of clots. The capsaicin in the plant helps to clear artery-narrowing lipid deposits and dilates blood vessels.

• It is an excellent detoxification tool for the body, as it stimulates blood circulation, lowers the acidity of the body, opens capillaries and regulates blood sugar levels. It also helps to remove bacteria and toxins from the digestive tract and, by raising body temperature, speeds up metabolism.

• A small amount of cayenne suppresses the appetite, resulting in fewer calories consumed per day. As we mentioned earlier, the spice speeds up the metabolism, helping to burn excess fat. The healthy herb also has anti-inflammatory properties: it is an effective remedy for allergies and infections.

• Do you have a cold? Then it’s worth remembering that the capsaicin in cayenne pepper relieves inflammation and eliminates mucus build-up in the throat and nose, as well as fighting infection-causing microbes.

• The spice is particularly useful for people who are stressed by modern lifestyles, as it can prevent lung, liver, prostate, breast and skin cancer. This is thanks to the capsaicin it contains, which ruthlessly destroys cancer cells.

• Life-changing migraines or just severe headaches? Cayenne pepper can help you too, as the spice improves blood circulation to the head and has pain and inflammation-reducing properties. However, in this case it is most effective to use the herb externally, i.e., with ointments containing capsaicin.

• Cayenne helps maintain oral health and prevent many gum diseases by effectively relieving inflammation and pain. As mentioned above, the spice causes the production of saliva, which helps to combat bad breath.

CHAMOMILE used as a tea to treat intestinal problems and nausea [1]

• Chamomile is most commonly used to treat acute and chronic stomach and duodenal disorders.

• It reduces inflammation, relieves spasms and gas in the intestines, stimulates sweating, and helps with liver or bile diseases

• Chamomile compresses disinfect wounds

• Decoctions are also useful in the beauty sector, as they prevent skin ageing, heal the skin on the hands, remove dandruff and strengthen hair roots.

• The essential oil made from chamomile contains bisabolol, oxide A, B, C, vitamin C and carotene. They are necessary for the human body [9].

ECHINACEA strengthens the Immune system, fights infections and fever [1]

This plant has active substances that strengthen the immune system and act against germs and bacteria. It is used to treat burns, wounds, to relieve toothaches, headaches, coughs and gonorrhoea. Helps to cure influenza, herpes and herpes stomatitis virus [11].

In general:

• For digestive disorders [10]

• In gastrointestinal disorders (GERD)

• Chronic fatigue symptoms

• Diphtheria

• Dizziness

• Genital herpes

• Gum disease

• Malaria

• Migraines

• Pain relief

• For rheumatism

• Septicemia

• For the treatment of streptococcal infections

• Syphilis

• Influenza

• Tonsillitis

• To treat urinary tract infections

GINGER ROOT aids digestive health, anti-inflammatory, aids circulation and can relieve colds [1]

Heart protection [12]

Ginger has a blood-clotting effect, which may serve as a preventive measure against stroke and heart attack. For a more potent effect, ginger should be used with onions and garlic. This does not mean that you have to combine these spices, just include them in your daily diet.

Aid to digestion

Ginger is effective in helping people suffering from constipation and other digestive problems. It has the property of relaxing the smooth muscles in the intestinal mucosa, allowing food to travel more easily throughout the intestines.

Easier absorption of food

Disrupted absorption of nutrients can cause serious damage to your health and it can even be life-threatening. In addition, if the food just goes somewhere stops on its way from the mouth to the intestines, it can start to ferment, rot and cause many unpleasant sensations. The aforementioned property of aiding digestion can help with this problem, plus ginger stimulates metabolism and supports the immune system, which also contributes to better nutrient absorption.

Strengthening immunity

Ayurveda, the Indian traditional medicine, recommends the use of ginger to strengthen the immune system. This is because, according to Ayurveda, ginger can help get rid of toxins that have accumulated in the body. In addition, ginger is believed to have cleansing properties for the lymphatic system. For this purpose, it is recommended not only to use ginger as a spice but also to steam its essential oil. It can be mixed with eucalyptus essential oil for a more effective effect. This mixture will not only help to boost immunity, but will also promote the clearing of the respiratory tract.

Protection against bacterial infections

In addition, according to one study, ginger’s antibacterial properties of ginger can kill bacteria such as Streptococcus pyogenes and “Staphylococcus aureus’. Ginger extract was even more potent effect than antibiotics. These bacteria are quite widespread in the treatment in institutions and can cause complications in people who already have weakened immunity. Therefore, to protect yourself against them before going to a medical facility, add a couple of drops of ginger essential oil to water or cool tea and sip it while you are there.

Cancer prevention

Ginger is a powerful weapon in the treatment of cancer. It even fights aggressive and severe cancers of the lung, colon, breast, skin, prostate, pancreas and ovary. Research has shown that ginger causes cancer cells to die.

Prevention of diabetes

Studies have shown that ginger can contribute to the cure of diabetes by reducing blood sugar, excess fat and cholesterol. Ginger can also help reduce the risk of diabetes complications.

Fighting fungus

Ginger has an antifungal effect, and as fungus is difficult to cure and often resistant to drugs, this root can be used as it can help cure even some drug-resistant forms of fungus. One study showed that ginger had the strongest effect against fungus when compared to 29 other herbs.

Treatment of ulcers

Ginger can help heal intestinal ulcers because it contains an active ingredient that kills the bacteria responsible for ulcers.

Suppression of inflammation

Inflammation is a big problem in many chronic diseases, and ginger can help to prevent pain. It will help with arthritis, prostate disease, cancer prevention and other inflammations.

Stomach disorders

Ginger can help soothe stomach upsets and pain. Ginger promotes gastric emptying without any adverse effects and has antispasmodic properties and, as mentioned above, can help with ulcers. It helps with heartburn, for which purpose ginger tea is best.

Protection against poisoning

Ginger helps to avoid the toxic effects of many substances, including the pesticide lindane, anticancer drugs and so on. Ginger has been shown to help reduce the damage caused by anti-cancer drugs.

Menstrual pains

Ginger is an excellent remedy for young women suffering from menstrual pains, with an effect equivalent to that of some medications.


Ginger has been shown to help protect against high levels of radiation and radiation poisoning. It reduces the severity of symptoms such as vomiting or taste distortions.


Ginger is an effective remedy for nausea, even when seasick. For women, it is recommended to drink drinks with ginger during pregnancy to prevent or reduce morning sickness. Alternatively, ginger essential oil can be used simply by steaming it or eating fresh ginger root.

Cold and flu prevention

Ginger is excellent for the prevention and treatment of colds and flu. It speeds up the metabolism, drives fluids, and stimulates sweating, thus speeding up the body’s clearance of viral colds or flu.

SAGE used for digestive disorders, colds and sore throat [1]

Used medicinally to improve digestive and mental disorders such as depression or Alzheimer’s disease, sage has a wide range of medicinal uses.

Health benefits of sage [13]
· Sage is rich in nutrients – it is rich in antioxidants (apigenins, diosmetin, and luteolin), as well as vitamin K, which promotes wound healing, increases resistance to infection, supports normal blood clotting, etc. For some time, sage has been considered as a panacea due to its wide range of effects.

• Alzheimer’s disease – sage can improve memory and information processing in people with Alzheimer’s disease.

• Anti-inflammatory effects – sage can help with all types of inflammation

• Type 2 diabetes – Research has shown that sage lowers cholesterol and triglyceride levels in people with type 2 diabetes.

• May help people with tuberculosis

• Relieves stomach pain

• Reduces menstrual pain

• Treats asthma

• Treats diarrhoea

• Reduces heavy sweating

• Slows the ageing process

• Improves blood circulation

• Improves hearing

• Helps you recover faster from illness

• Helps children who have concentration problems

• Disinfects and kills bacteria

• Treats stomach ulcers

• Helps with liver inflammation

• Reduces hand tremors

• Improves memory

• Contains all essential amino acids

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